Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obama = Wimp

Someone needs to say it. Obama is going to roll over for the Republicans every time. He's pretty much given up the public option because some idiots came out and called him Hitler. Obama cuts a stupid deal with Big Pharma and promises not to use the government to bargain to bring down prices. Looks like we will be in Afghanistan forever. Now Van Jones resigns because Glenn Beck talked about him. Pretty soon Obama won't even try to do anything for fear it might make FOX News sad. All this does is empower FOX News and give them more credibility. I'd really like to hear from these gas-huffers screaming about socialism and vague cries about "losing their freedom" to point out what Obama has actually accomplished. Honestly, where is the fire in this man we saw in the campaign? This has the most cowardly administration I've seen in my lifetime.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Nightmare That Would Make Lovecraft Proud...Interpretations Welcome

I don't think I've ever written about a dream that I've had on this blog, but this one is worth putting down, definitely. I'd like to read any comments people might have on it, I'm not one to interpret dreams, but this one might be worth a try. I have a dream maybe once a year that’s truly memorable, this is the most memorable I've had in a decade, perhaps ever.

I find myself in an old abandoned house without light except for some pale rays of sun filtering through the dusty, cobweb-covered windows, giving everything a gray appearance. It's as if I were in a world drained of color. There is little if any furniture inside, some debris is piled in corners or along where wall meets floor. I walk through the house, finding several rooms not unlike the one I started in and I discover what must be the front door, a blinding rectangle of light until my eyes adjust. The door itself was removed long ago, I walk through it onto the large, covered porch and I had to squint my eyes because the scene before me is so bright.

The world is divided into two halves -- a pure blue sky above and a field of gold below. A slow breeze moves through the gold -- it might be wheat. It's incredibly thick and waist-tall, the field rolls onward for miles, some blue mountains are off in the distance, but they're twenty to thirty miles away. The house itself had lost its paint many years ago to reveal the dark gray, almost black old boards underneath -- some pieces of siding here and there are falling loose. In its time it was a presentable place, but was always somewhat humble. I walk out into the field, the sun is warm and inviting, I explore and go around behind the house where I find a strange sight. There's a wooden fence, or the remains of a fence only perhaps thirty feet in length which is situated fifty feet to the rear of the house.

On either side of the fence are two stout creatures with bodies like a mans', but they're only a head taller than the wheat. They're covered in a dark, patchy fur and wearing leather and animal pelts crudely sewn together. Their heads are mostly bald, revealing a wrinkly, purplish skin. Their faces have shorter fur on them, with small black eyes hidden deep among the fur. Also they have a strange sort of mouth that sticks slightly out from their face -- a cross between a snout of a swine and that of an alligator, with teeth like an alligators; sharp and randomly placed.

But it's what they are doing that is most strange. Around the fence the wheat is somewhat shorter, and next to the fence itself the ground is bare -- the earth underneath is cracked and parched. The creature on the side of the fence close to the house has a pile of small, dark bottles, and he's throwing them over the fence from a distance of perhaps 20 feet from the other creature. The creature on the opposite side tries to catch the bottles with its short arms, and mostly fails at this. The bottles fall to the ground, most land safely in the surrounding wheat only to bounce and roll. However some fall too close to the bare earth -- here they break and the contents literally sizzle on the hot ground. The creature attempting to catch the bottles does occasionally catch one, then it opens the bottle, pulls something out of the bottle and takes a bite out of it, the creature holds the remainder in one hand while attempting to catch more bottles in the other. The only sounds the two make is grunting, one as he throws and the other as he attempts to catch -- and a sick smacking sound that the creature makes as it crudely eats. They do not seem to notice me.

I am curious what's in the bottles, so I walk some distance away from the scene searching for a bottle that was might have been missed and bounced a bit too far. I wade through the waist-tall wheat, finally I discover one hidden on the ground somewhat covered in dirt and dust. It's about the size of a baby food bottle I think, as I wipe away the dust and discover to my horror that a small human fetus is inside of the bottle. It looked like a "pickled punk" one might expect to have seen at a freak show perhaps a century ago. The water is a muddy, pale, putrid stuff while the fetus is a pink pulpy mass. The second I discovered what it was, to my horror the thing began to move. It rolled its head about blindly, its mouth was a small red circle on a pink body that began to open and close like the mouth of a fish out of water. Its little limbs moved and jostled the water about -- and worst of all I could FEEL it move the bottle about in my hand. I dropped the thing and jumped back as if I had been holding a live spider.

I looked up and the two creatures had stopped their sick game and for the first time they were studying me from afar. I walked slowly away, and they soon continued. The field seemed endless, but I walked some distance until the house was a small black box in the distance and the two figures were no longer visible. I stopped and suddenly everything was utterly still. I stared at the house, perked my head and listened. There was no longer any wind, instead a different sound, very distant began.

I looked away from the house in the opposite direction and far in the distance it appeared that a large cloud was casting a shadow on the ground and it was slowly approaching. But there were no clouds. I squinted and saw that the ground was turning black, very far off and approaching. But it was not only turning black and approaching, but it was covering the ground in the opposite direction of the house as far as one could see to one's left and right, as if some black tide were coming in. I stood still as it drew closer I could see what was happening but I failed to understand. The earth itself was being consumed into...literally nothingness. This "force" which consumed the earth left a blackness, as it moved closer I could look down through where the earth once was and I could see stars, galaxies billions of miles away. Now that I had a closer look, I could see that the earth did not just disappear as if covered by a cloud, but it was broken off into "shards" which were the quickly consumed by the blackness. It was as if the edges of a piece of glass where broken off into shards; and the shards quickly melt away like water droplets on a piece of red-hot iron.

But perhaps most horrifying of all was the sound the process made, it was a thundering mixture of two sounds. One was that of large pieces of wood when they're bent and snapped, or the falling of trees -- deep popping, snapping, cracking, squeaking. The other sound which mingled with this was that of a hungry, crackling fire. This grew nearly deafening as it approached. The sky seemed untouched by this process, but I took little time to note this, as it was much closer to me now. The speed of the disintegration of the earth was perhaps at a rate of five miles per hour -- one that could be outrun, but was more than slow and steady. I broke into a run back to the house and saw the earth, matter and reality for what I was sure would be the last time. This was different from just dying or some massive destruction of mankind -- this was a literal destruction of reality itself.

As I got close to the house, the two figures had disappeared. I had perhaps one minute to decide what to do -- obviously it would continue to consume the field and I could not continue to run for what looked to be twenty or thirty miles of field. The house seemed the only place it made sense to go, so I did. I went around to the front and entered, my eyes blind in the contrasting darkness. Immediately I almost tripped and felt my feet kicking bottles around the floor. The entire floor of the house was covered in those sickening little bottles, I had to wade through them to keep from stepping on them in my half-blindness lest I fall, or perhaps worse -- let one of those things out. They rolled along the hardwood floor, clinked against one another -- the entire thing was horrible. I found a place on the floor to sit and I huddled into a fetal position in a dark corner, much like those sick figures in the bottles. The snapping, churning, raging sound outside grew louder and all I could think was, "This is it."

It was at this point that I woke, sweaty and I jumped so violently when the dream ended that I think I woke up nearly in mid-air. I have few dreams that I remember, and the ones I recall rarely have much of a storyline to them. Needless to say this one has stuck out more than any I've had for maybe 10 years. It was so vivid, and yet unlike most nightmares where monsters jump out from the shadows -- this was downright poetic, literary and full of symbolic imagery. As strange as it was, I wouldn't mind having more like it...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Return of the Right-Wing Rent-A-Mob (and Another Example of How FOX Plays Their Viewers For Fools)

Anyone with a decent memory of the ugly side of American politics will recall the manufactured mob during the recount of the 2000 presidential election. Essentially right-wing operatives were bussed in to act as normal citizens from the surrounding community who were demanding a halt to the recount.

Well it appears we are going to return to that over the next month as Democrats attempt to hold town hall meetings about healthcare during the August recess. Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks who created the tea parties have circulated a memo about how to interrupt and rattle Democrats. Here are some parts of it:

“Spread out in the hall and try to be in the front half. The objective is to put the Rep on the defensive...The Rep should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington. Watch for an opportunity to yell out and challenge the Rep’s statements early...The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

After finding out about this I go to and see the following story at the top of the page: “Town Hall’s Gone Wild!” With the following summary: "Screaming constituents, protesters dragged out by the cops, congressmen fearful for their safety — welcome to the new town-hall-style meeting, the once-staid forum that is rapidly turning into a house of horrors for members of Congress." Yep...just as spontaneous as the tea parties -- the right-wing is very coordinated and good about staying on message, and meanwhile they think their supporters are the biggest fools in the world.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Which Is Worse; Smokers or Perfume-Wearers?

Smelling perfume or cologne has a 75% chance of giving me an instant headache that can last for hours. It can be just walking by someone who has a lot on them, walking through the perfume section of a mall or sometimes just opening a magazine with the free samples in it which themselves aren't even opened. I get a headache immediately. It's virtually guaranteed if I come in contact with an idiot who has bathed in the stuff; and if I had to be around them for any amount of time my headache would develop into a migraine.

On the other hand smelling a cigarette probably has a 25% chance or less of doing this -- and I generally have to be around it longer and perhaps even in an enclosed space with it. One whiff isn't enough, and I know because I go to bars and rarely get a headache there. I think it’s because almost all of the chemicals in perfume are synthetic toxins. The National Academy of Sciences reports that 95% of the chemicals used in fragrances today are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum, including known toxins capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions.[1] Cigarettes may have some synthetic materials in them and are unhealthy, but in terms of chemicals it's not even close.

I'd like to know why we are so quick to ban smoking from public places and there's nothing said at all about people wearing perfume, especially excessive amounts of it. What I and other people experience is an allergic reaction that instantaneously causes us a health problem ranging from a headache to nausea in some people. Given the choice I’d rather smell a cigarette.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Healthcare Bill REQUIRES You To Buy Coverage or Pay a $1,000 Fine?

I have one concern about the bill; it REQUIRES you to buy coverage. This was one reason I liked Obama instead of Hillary, she was for requiring people to buy coverage, even docking their paycheck if they refuse to do so -- same as if they are paying child support. During the election Obama said he just wanted to require parents to cover their children. Now, I am sure most people want healthcare, but what if you don't? According to some stories I have read online you will be fined $1,000 for not purchasing healthcare. What if you don't have a job? How can someone pay $1,000 if they can't afford to buy healthcare in the first place? Forcing people to purchase healthcare and fining them is a terrible idea -- issues of personal freedom aside, this would be a GIFT to the health insurance companies if we don't have a extremely cheap public option included.

I don't consider myself much of a policy wonk, I am more fascinated with how people think politically...but the truth is I don't know a lot about this bill myself, and that's the problem for most people. Everyone wants reform, but even I, a person who consumes a lot of news, I don't have a clear idea of what this bill contains so I don't know if I want it to pass or not!

This appears to be the week that will decide whether a healthcare bill is passed, or at least the direction of it. The Republicans are united and channeling the spirit of Machiavelli a little more than usual when Jim DeMint of South Carolina says, "If we can stop him on this it will be his will break him." Neo-Con Bill Kristol said this is the week to "go for the kill." This all started when we suddenly started to hear about how the healthcare bill was "on the ropes" -- suddenly it was in crisis. I remember hearing that and I wondered in the back of my mind if that was the set up for another part of the fight against it, and it was.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Re-Direction and Deflection of America's Confused Anger

We all know there's an anger that has shown itself in various forms for the past year or so. It started when the economy went south -- people were angry at the big banks and the government for bailing them out. Meanwhile average people watched as the stock market made their 401k into a 101k. The AIG bonuses infuriated people, right-wingers eventually defended them. People openly criticized greed as a philosophy, especially when unregulated, and the public wanted government to act, they even trusted government. But the anger element was never very focused.

Then came the tea parties which FOX News essentially took over on tax day in April, but gave little mention to them this past July 4th. Keen observers saw that what was going on was a shifting of the general, confused anger out there away from the corporations and toward the government. Never was the message totally coherent; Obama is a socialist/fascist, Obama is raiding my child's piggy bank, a raise in taxes is equivalent to the end of America as we know it. There were conspiracy theories about Obama's birth certificate, the Federal Reserve, etc. But it didn't matter, so long as where blame was placed wasn't at the feet of corporations and unregulated capitalism.

Now as the economy slowly improves it appears that we will climb out of this recession without learning our lesson as we did during the 1930s. Some new rules will go into effect regarding leverage; some easily broken laws regarding CEO compensation will be instated. Bernie Madoff -- more a symbol than a man -- has been sent to prison; a total distraction if there ever was one.

I am talking more about social consciousness and consensus, and perhaps this hasn't been fully decided yet. It feels that there is a war going on about not who we ought to blame, but who we should be most angry toward. It's very possible we will only become more cynical about both government and business, something that will only help the regressive forces in society. Once people are cynical they will yet again vote based on petty nonsense rather than their own interests. The problem is, if the recession drags on Obama and the government will receive more pressure from the public who thinks the economic stimulus is failing -- but if we recover too quick we will have learned nothing from the experience and can expect it to revisit us later.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ACLU Sues to Help Westboro Baptist Church

This is why I tend to like the ACLU, they are about free speech. They have defended street preachers, and now they are defending the controversial "God Hates Fags" Westboro Baptist Church against a ban at funeral protests. If you want to read more on the specifics see the link at the bottom of this entry.

I only discovered this story by going to But I wonder; why wasn't this on the liberal news websites I went to? Two reasons, first the conservatives love to point out something they consider bad about the ACLU. And why do they consider this bad? Because Christians are ashamed of the Westboro Baptist Church because they hold a mirror up to Christians’ faces and force them to see what their Bible really says in its most raw, unfiltered form. I am glad they are around, if you ask me, they're the only Christians who really interpret their Bible correctly.

Too many people think religion is OK because they know a watered-down version of it, the Westboro Baptist Church gives it straight, no chaser. I don’t like wishy-washiness – let 'em find out how shit really smells. Furthermore, unlike them, I support their right to free speech that might offend me personally.