Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ACLU Sues to Help Westboro Baptist Church

This is why I tend to like the ACLU, they are about free speech. They have defended street preachers, and now they are defending the controversial "God Hates Fags" Westboro Baptist Church against a ban at funeral protests. If you want to read more on the specifics see the link at the bottom of this entry.

I only discovered this story by going to But I wonder; why wasn't this on the liberal news websites I went to? Two reasons, first the conservatives love to point out something they consider bad about the ACLU. And why do they consider this bad? Because Christians are ashamed of the Westboro Baptist Church because they hold a mirror up to Christians’ faces and force them to see what their Bible really says in its most raw, unfiltered form. I am glad they are around, if you ask me, they're the only Christians who really interpret their Bible correctly.

Too many people think religion is OK because they know a watered-down version of it, the Westboro Baptist Church gives it straight, no chaser. I don’t like wishy-washiness – let 'em find out how shit really smells. Furthermore, unlike them, I support their right to free speech that might offend me personally.

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