Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thoughts After Obama's Victory...

I'm writing this just minutes after Obama has been elected. I gotta admit, I can hardly believe it. That America has just elected a black man as president really is something that will take time to sink in.

I see the shots from Grant Park, the streets of Harlem and Ebenezer Church here in Atlanta and all the exuberant faces of the African Americans, many of them wet with tears. I know I can't understand how they feel but goddamn I feel happy for them.

It needs to remembered that this couldn't have happened without white America, that’s not meant to take away from black people but to say that this should be seen as a confirmation that this country is changing.

States are still coming in, they are projecting that Obama has also won Virginia and Florida. The popular vote is still being counted, but this seems to be a decisive victory which is important. And it makes me wonder if a deeper change is occurring for the Democratic Party, and if the Republicans have painted themselves into a corner and appeal to ever-shrinking segments of the population. Will the young voters who Obama was able to draw in stay Democratic? Time will tell.

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