Friday, December 5, 2008

Theists See “Miracles” in the Mumbai Massacre

Every time something terrible happens in the world theists have to find a miracle so their god can get off for allowing atrocities and natural disasters. They even found a few in the "Mumbai Massacre." One that's gotten attention was Moshe Holtzberg; the young child of the rabbi father who was killed. The fortunate Moshe was picked up and quickly taken from the building by his nanny before harm could come to him.

Theists' rationalizations go a little like this:

--Airplane crashes, everyone dies except one man -- It's a miracle.
--Airplane crashes, everyone dies, but it doesn't hit a house -- It's a miracle.
--Airplane crashes, everyone dies, it hits a house, but only one person was home -- It's a miracle.
--Airplane crashes, everyone dies, it hits a house, killing a family of 5, but it DOESN'T hit heavily populated neighborhood nearby -- It's a miracle.

I am all for finding silver-linings in tragedy but these people are imposing an irrational view onto the world and reaching even more irrational conclusions so they can find order and purpose in a chaotic world. Quit using happenchance and random luck to prove your god exists.

Please, someone tell me when isn't it a miracle? Would a meteor have to destroy the entire earth so there isn't a single idiot left to say "It's a miracle?"

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