Saturday, January 3, 2009

Night Owls Unite, Fuck Early Birds

There's nothing I hate more than the inherent double standard people have about sleeping hours. It’s like there are certain hours of the day you are supposed to be awake and productive and others where you should be asleep. Deviate from those and you are stereotyped and often hounded for it.

What pisses me the fuck off is how people don't mind waking you up if it's say, noon or 2pm. They will blast a TV or stereo, they have no qualms about it and often will laugh and say "Oh, you were STILL asleep?!" Yes, you stupid fucking dumbass motherfucker! I WAS, past-tense, WAS!

But if I woke them up at 2am -- well that’s a totally different story, you see, that’s not "OK," they have every right to sleep at that time because that’s when you’re supposed to sleep. That's when the "good people" are in bed, only "bad people" are awake at "ungodly hours." *

I tend to be a very nocturnal person, my body just won't stay on a schedule of going to bed at 11pm for any regular period, at least that’s been the story since my mid-college years. I tend to be the most energetic around 12-6am I'm not sure if you'd call it insomnia, but I really drag when I first get up but then I never feel like going to bed. I have to force myself to bed, usually right about the time I feel Im getting stuff done and could keep on forever.

I've always felt more productive and better, psychologically at evening and night. I like to go places at night which are normally crowded in the day -- supermarkets, walking trails, etc. I guess I do prefer to avoid people, but I don’t think that’s why I’m a night person. The calm, dark quiet just goes with my personality. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it as long as you're still getting 8 hours and take vitamins if you don't get a lot of sun, which I also prefer to avoid. (I'm a "white boy" and that’s all there is to it.)

Its the same way with me and rainy days -- its not that sunny days make me depressed, but rainy days give me a strange, almost giddy happiness sometimes that I can't express exactly. Someone give me a reason why rain is depressing?


* Note: I don't drink, I'm not a partier at all. These days I prefer to stay home than go out to a bar. Neither am I one of these people who wears a badge on their sleeve of how FEW hours of sleep they get each night, as if it were something to be proud of. I knew some people like that in college, to these people I say you are killing yourself at a young age, we can tell you’re loopy and you’re more likely to have a car accident, congradu-fucking-lations.

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