Friday, June 12, 2009

Sarah Palin Insinuates Letterman is a Pedophile?

We all know Letterman cracked some jokes about Palin's knocked-up daughter getting knocked up at a baseball game, jokes that even he admits were in bad taste, but Palin, the perpetual opportunist decides to insinuate that Letterman is a pedophile saying "it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman."

This power-hungry woman will play up anything for attention and milk it for all it's worth. She's also playing up her false-populism too; "Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands." Yes, goddamn entertainers, the New York Times, intellectuals, urban dwellers and anyone else who doesn't think exactly like "pure" backwoods gas-huffers. Sarah Palin only likes stupid people...who would vote for Sarah Palin and wonder if Letterman might in fact be a pedophile after all.

This is what I'd call the conservative, "invasive parental ideology" at its best:- We hate government but we want it to "protect the children" (but not feed them), purify all entertainment to meet the standards of those who Buy-Bull (Bible) and harp about how goddamn holier than thou you are.

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