Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Right-Wing Shootings Continue...FOX Blames Liberals

Well it seems pretty well-established, only hours after it occurred, that this latest shooting at the Holocaust Museum in Washington was from an anti-Semitic man who called himself a white supremacist. His website says that he was in the military. Is anyone re-thinking the attacks they threw at that Homeland Security report some months ago that warned of Right-Wing Extremism as a result of lone wolves, and mentioned veterans?

Of course not, I turn on FOX News and Glenn Beck's reaction to all of this is to have a segment about how anti-Semitism is a result of the political Left because we don't support Israel as much as they'd like and because the Nazi's were a leftist movement...riiiight. Of course, anti-Semitism and white supremacy, how further to the Left can you get than that after all? Jesus H Christ.

I didn't need a report to tell me we were going to have a rise in Right-Wing violence, you can literally feel it in the air.

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