Friday, July 3, 2009

The Palin Drama Continues -- Caribou Barbie Leaves Government

I forget who it was exactly, but I believe it was Shannyn Moore, radio talk shot host from Alaska who said that Sarah Palin's big political ambitions combined with her intelligence level is like putting a rocket engine on a golf cart; you're never sure where it's going to end up.

Today is another chapter in her ever-unfolding drama, resigning as governor later this month. I have to think, doing this on a Friday, the day everyone uses to "dump" news and on a holiday weekend, it would seem she doesn't want to attract a lot of attention...for once. Maybe there's something else going on yet to be revealed.

Now that she's outside of government, one wonders how she will cater the attention she loves so much. Supposedly she's writing a book, is she going to tour the country and rile up the gas-huffing, knuckle-draggers in "real America" who love her so much?

Is she looking to run for president? Of course, but Jesus, has 24-hour cable news really made politics a perpetual campaign? The election isn't until 2012, that’s a long time. She didn't even finish one term as governor – easy fodder for any political opponent. What other than her ego alone makes Caribou Barbie think she's qualified?

In her brief speech about stepping down she spoke in a tone of victimhood of the "new political environment" and “blood sport” -- one she has sought to attract and encourage, whether it's accusing David Letterman of being a pedophile, using her children as political props or accusing Obama of palling around with terrorists and doing nothing when crowds call for his head, literally. She gets what she deserves as any attention and power-hungry individual would in her position, I hope the media continues to chew her up and spit her out.

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