Friday, October 10, 2008

Desperate Times Make True Colors Bleed

Yep, its gotten dirty. Palin is bringing up Ayres, people in the audience are screaming about Obama, "terrorist!" and even "kill him!" Meanwhile they are making allegations that he is possibly getting money from shady organizations outside of the US. And his middle name Hussein is used almost daily at McCain events.

It's getting ugly, this is what McCain has decided to focus on while Rome burns, and the thing is I don't think he has any choice. This is how Republicans have won elections over the past several years as they have painted themselves into a corner as a non-diverse party.

Of course, this is all done under the cover, as Palin puts it, to say that the media needs to ask more questions of Obama. We don't really know the "real" Obama, even after campaigning for two years.

Irony was never a Republican strong suit, but this makes my head hurt. I only WISH the media were ALLOWED to ask Palin the "tough questions," instead the campaign has essentially said she won't be having anymore interviews except with FOX News.

The most recent interview with this ditz was again with Sean Hannity, and this time Daddy...I mean McCain was sitting there with her.

If we don't know the "real" Obama after two years, and interview after interview, we sure as hell don't know this woman who can barely speak when she does get an interview.

But this is all beside the point. The fact is, the Ayres connection COULD be a real issue, but why now? Does the fact that it is just being brought up not appear as blatantly desperate? If McCain really cares about Obama having a "tie" with a "terrorist" shouldn't he have brought this up months ago or does he just not care about the American people that much, unless his poll numbers drop?

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