Friday, October 17, 2008

Undermining The "Palin Advantage"

Ive had a sneaking suspicion that Palin was chosen just as much for her right-wing appeal as for the fact that any criticism of her will immediately spark immense backlash against the Left. Republicans knew that you couldn't touch her without sparking immediate outrage from those who see her as representing them.

What the Left ought to do in reality is not sneer or make fun, but to take her away (as an archetype) from the Republicans. Tell America, hey as far as ordinary Americans go, we have more in common with Palin than John McCain and his Republican party does. The Left ought to say that their economic policies are actually meant to HELP people just like Palin and the small town people she represents. Sure, we may not agree on everything when it comes to religion; but on economics we need not be divided by class warfare in times such as these. And it's not condescending to say that some people need help, not everyone is going to climb to the top and become rich like the Right says.

Now of course, this idea is insidious and an attempt to ultimately undermine the usage of people LIKE Palin by the Republicans. The fact is, they shouldn't "own" small town America and the lower class, and the Left shouldn't wall itself off either.

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