Thursday, October 16, 2008

Final Debate

McCain owned the first 30 minutes or so in terms of general energy as he came out and tried to hammer the old GOP talking point of low taxes. Of course thrown into the mix was "Plumber Joe" who is supposed to be "average American incarnate." Obama held his own, and I had to wonder if most people out there weren't thinking, "I just wish I had some money period, tax or no tax."

It just seems like, especially at this particular moment, the issues are bigger than the exact percentage of income that will be taxed and the particulars of health care deductibles. When the Michigan governor is starting a "Food Stamp Challenge" and telling people to try and eat on $5.78 a day, who gives a shit?

It felt like McCain had been speaking to his base too much, as with taxes the right-wing talking points hurt McCain. At one point he used air-quotes when he spoke of the pro-choice crowds using the "health of the mother" as a "excuse" to have an abortion. This along with his general demeanor that betrayed his disdain for Obama made him come across as uncompassionate and quick to anger.

When the subject turned to the anger at McCain's rallies, McCain ultimately tried to deflect criticism by talking about how Georgia Congressman John Lewis hurt his feelings. Boo-Fuckin'-Who. Don't play with fire and you won't get burned by a situation of your own making.

Obama, after expressing concern about people calling for his death, eventually said that most people don't want to hear about it. That may be true but it seems the more they DO hear about it, the more uncomfortable they are with McCain. And there's been no reports of anything said at Obama rallies on-par with whats been said at McCain rallies. The "there's a few crazies in every crowd"-excuse is just that.

Ayres and ACORN came up, Obama deflected both of them by explaining the situation as it exists in reality, and not on FOX News and talk radio. This is evidenced by the fact that the entire issue quickly dissolved into nothing for the rest of the debate.

The discussions of trade, health care and education were pretty standard stock. Once again the polls went strongly for Obama's performance, you wouldn't think otherwise unless you were watching FOX News who literally got their poll from a cell phone text-in.

The fact is Obama knew what was coming and had prepared answers, what seems to piss McCain off most is his inability to piss off Obama, no matter what, it's always Mr. Cool.

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